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Have You Not Heard The Joyful Sound?

By E. H. Chater (1845-1915)


Have you not heard the joyful sound?
Glad tidings through the world resound—
Of pardon, peace, salvation free,
God's blessed way of liberty.
His word believe,
His Son receive,
Who died for such as we.

Thy footsteps haste! the day draws near
When careless souls shall quake and fear.
Here is a refuge open wide,
Salvation now in Him who died.
His blood was shed;
Raised from the dead,
He now is glorified.

O why not then in Christ confide?
If works could save, would He have died?
Now hearken to His blessed cry,
'Tis finished! He is crowned on high.
To Him now look
Who judgment took,
And on His work rely.

Henceforth art thou for glory meet,
By blood made nigh, in Christ complete;
Blessed in the riches of His grace;
And thus to walk before His face,
To serve Him here
With godly fear,
A holy heav'nly race.

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The Joyful Sound